My Last Nerve, Oh Look it’s on Fire- Restoring Your Flame- Soy Wax Candle

  • $15.00

Are you feeling Exhausted? Do you feel mentally, physically, or emotionally out of alignment? You can use this spell candle to burn away your (or a loved ones) feelings of weariness, fatigue, or exhaustion by harnessing the element of fire.

Use this candle on a Wednesday for best results. Light this candle for 15 minutes. Close your eyes and focus on restoration and healing. Repeat this daily until the candle burns out. 

Scented with Eucalyptus oil and Peppermint oil, along with my special blend of balance oil. 

Topped with Sage, cayenne pepper, chamomile and rosemary. 

The stones included are Carnelian and Calcite. 

Carnelian Calms anger, banishes emotional negativity and replaces it with a love of life. Carnelian boosts fertility and stimulates sexuality. Carnelian treats lower back problems, rheumatism, arthritis, neuralgia and depression. It regulates the kidneys, and accelerates healing in bones and ligaments.


Calcite is a spiritual stone that facilitates the opening of higher consciousness and psychic abilities. It helps mind and body to remember soul experiences. Calcite connects the emotions with the intellect. ... It balances the assimilation of calcium within the body, strengthening the skeleton and joints.

And sprinkled with chips of tigers eye.